Self-cleaning surface stickers can be applied anywhere, and are ideal for areas where bacteria can accumulate. They are biodegradable and recyclable, and they can be placed on almost any surface, from door handles to counters. They can even be removed after use. NanoTouch is the company that invented the surface stickers, and they are now finding new distributors in other countries. Read on to find out more about these innovative stickers. We’ll also look at the benefits of these self-cleaning surface stickers.
These stickers are easy to apply and completely safe. They’re eco-friendly, biodegradable, and can be used on any surface – even toilets! Unlike many other surface cleaners, NanoSeptic stickers don’t leave a sticky residue behind, so they’re perfect for public restrooms and healthcare facilities. They can also be used on surfaces such as mirrors, doors, and countertops. They’re available in many colors and can be placed on any high-touch area.
In addition to the hospitals using them, NanoTouch has launched a starter kit for businesses, including healthcare facilities, schools, and individual physician/dental practices. Each kit comes with two 4′ x 6″ handle wraps, two 4” x 9” push bars, and one tissue box cover. A product brochure and a full color rigid mailing envelope are included. During the trial, NanoTouch’s surface stickers have proven to be effective against Coronavirus.
Superhydrophobic self-cleaning surfaces are based on a low contact angle with a water droplet. These surfaces are perfect for water-based debris but may not be suitable for oil-based substances. They are made with a combination of hydrophobic surface chemistry and surface roughness. In addition, these surfaces are highly resistant to oil and are easy to wipe down. These products are safe for people of all ages and can be purchased online or from retail stores.
The self-cleaning surfaces are inspired by natural phenomena. Lotus leaves, water striders, and gecko feet are examples of natural self-cleaning surfaces. Self-cleaning surfaces generally fall into one of three categories: superhydrophilic surfaces, photocatalytic surfaces, and superhydrophobic surfaces. The latter is the most effective, as it removes bacteria and debris without external intervention. They can be categorized according to their chemical properties.