Self cleaning surface stickers are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. NanoTouch, a Virginia company, uses a patented technology to break down organic materials and remove bacteria. It is safe to use on most surfaces and has been proven to work well against Coronavirus and other microbes. They can be applied to any surface, including counters and elevator buttons. This product can also reduce your cleaning costs and save you time. If you’re in the market for a new product, try nanoSeptic.

self cleaning surface stickers

The patented process that produces NanoSeptic surface stickers eliminates the need for antibacterial products. These surfaces are free of viruses and bacteria. In addition to preventing contamination, they promote a clean environment, resulting in a healthier environment for everyone. The stickers can be applied to almost any surface, including countertops and bathrooms. The stickers can even be applied to high-touch areas like doorknobs and windows. And because they can be applied to almost any surface, they are safe for kids and pets to use, too.

The self-cleaning surface stickers are easy to install. You simply peel them off and stick them on a surface. Several public restrooms and healthcare facilities have installed NanoSeptic stickers to improve the air quality. Other commercial uses include security bins, public restrooms, and counters. They can even be placed on elevator buttons. As an added bonus, they are biodegradable and recyclable. This product is suitable for use on almost any surface.

With the increased use of nanoSeptic surface stickers, these products have surpassed the expectations of the healthcare industry. These self-cleaning surfaces are safe to use and can be applied to virtually any surface. This product can also be used to create a more sanitary atmosphere in public restrooms and health care facilities. Using these self-cleaning stickers is a smart way to improve your facility’s hygiene and promote a healthy environment.

The self-cleaning surface stickers are biodegradable and environmentally friendly. The NanoSeptic Surfaces are a popular option for public restrooms and healthcare facilities. They’re easy to install and safe. They’re also great for high-touch areas such as countertops and tables. In fact, these stickers can be placed on virtually any surface for maximum effect. A good self-cleaning surface sticker can also prevent bacteria and viruses from forming.

These stickers can be applied to any surface. They’re biodegradable and safe to use. Developed by the NanoTouch team, these products can be applied to most surfaces, including high-touch ones. Since they’re biodegradable, they can be used on surfaces that have high amounts of touch. They’re also a great gift for family and friends. They’re also biodegradable, recyclable, and eco-friendly.